Some get a party, I get botox
With a month until my 21 st birthday I’m hit with an emotion that I can’t even begin to describe. Most would be planning their parties, sending out their invitations, and getting venues booked, and while that sounds like a nice idea, it’s just not me! Dinner with a few friends is perfect and that’s because this year I’m actually well enough to do something. Last year my birthday was spent in bed. Not exactly celebratory. The day after I managed to go out to the beach, and then have a little ice cream but ended up vomiting it all back up and was in bed by 5 that evening being the crazy 20 year old that I had just turned. But I had the people around me who mattered, and they didn’t care that my head was in a bucket. It’s funny though, even my 18 th wasn’t some big celebration, and looking back on it, it’s most likely because at that point I wasn’t getting proper treatment for my headaches and I was being plagued with them constantly and didn’t know how to manage them. Not that I’m...