The Unwanted Post
This is a post I didn’t think I’d have to write, or that I'd be writing so soon. Although it’s probably not that unexpected after the last few posts that outlined hospital stays and new treatments, but when you also see posts about life on the road you kind of hope that that part of every day is the one that is taking over. Sadly chronic illness is a full time job and whether I like it or not, I can’t get rid of the illnesses that plague me. Life on the farm has been good to me, the best thing that I could’ve done! It’s given me a chance to be in one spot while my body went through the worst flare it’s ever had, and allowed me to realise just how much I love animals. I mean I always knew I loved them; there was no doubt about that, but actually getting up everyday to work with the camels has just enhanced that love. Sounds mental saying that camels have made me love animals more, I mean they kick in all directions and kick to kill (and their kicks hurt like hell, believe me!), wil...