The Unwanted Post

This is a post I didn’t think I’d have to write, or that I'd be writing so soon. Although it’s probably not that unexpected after the last few posts that outlined hospital stays and new treatments, but when you also see posts about life on the road you kind of hope that that part of every day is the one that is taking over. Sadly chronic illness is a full time job and whether I like it or not, I can’t get rid of the illnesses that plague me. Life on the farm has been good to me, the best thing that I could’ve done! It’s given me a chance to be in one spot while my body went through the worst flare it’s ever had, and allowed me to realise just how much I love animals. I mean I always knew I loved them; there was no doubt about that, but actually getting up everyday to work with the camels has just enhanced that love. Sounds mental saying that camels have made me love animals more, I mean they kick in all directions and kick to kill (and their kicks hurt like hell, believe me!), will bite and spit if they really don’t like what you’re doing so if you have to pop an abscess you’re in the firing zone, and every morning the first job on the list is picking up camel poo, but when the babies come up and give you cuddles and kisses, or you make progress with a mum who has been struggling for weeks, its an amazing feeling. All of this however couldn’t outweigh one big problem; my body still can’t manage.

It’s horrible really. Part of the reason behind this trip was about taking the bed around the country because I couldn’t get out of it but the stress of not having a routine has proven too much for my sick body. The decision to go back to Sydney, well the Blue Mountains actually wasn’t made lightly. Options were weighed, lists made, pros and cons put out for everyone to see and evaluate. A huge factor was work for mum, but that changed when she was headhunted and a job was created for her after the company loved her blog and way of writing so much that they just had to have her on their team, and she could do the job with ease! A major perk is that it might allow for travelling in the future, so the motor home isn’t being sold just yet. We’re not giving up.

That’s actually a point I’d like to make; we’re not giving up, we’re just going back to the drawing board. Plan a or b or c or whatever we’re up to in this life hasn’t worked out the way we thought, so we’ve got to recoup and figure out what’s next. Sure this wasn’t in the cards, neither was moving countries 4 and half years ago but we thrived and that was the best thing we could’ve done, brain surgery wasn’t planned either but I made it out of that operating room and out of ICU, all the hospitilisations, specialists appointments, tests and scans weren’t in the mix, but we’ve managed, and just like all those obstacles we’ll tackle this one head on. It’s what we do and it’s what needs to be done. I’ll do my best to get as healthy as possible, I’ve got doctors appointments lined up and I need to go on the hunt for a new neurologist to manage my chiari because lets just say I’ve had radio silence from my current one. It’s not over, and when my body is able to I hope to be back on the road or doing something else that I love, but for now it’s back to NSW and to the Blue Mountains to take on the next adventure, there just might be fewer camels involved in this one.


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