Some get a party, I get botox
With a month until my 21st
birthday I’m hit with an emotion that I can’t even begin to describe. Most
would be planning their parties, sending out their invitations, and getting
venues booked, and while that sounds like a nice idea, it’s just not me! Dinner
with a few friends is perfect and that’s because this year I’m actually well
enough to do something.
Last year my birthday was spent in bed. Not
exactly celebratory. The day after I managed to go out to the beach, and then
have a little ice cream but ended up vomiting it all back up and was in bed by
5 that evening being the crazy 20 year old that I had just turned. But I had
the people around me who mattered, and they didn’t care that my head was in a
bucket. It’s funny though, even my 18th wasn’t some big celebration,
and looking back on it, it’s most likely because at that point I wasn’t getting
proper treatment for my headaches and I was being plagued with them constantly
and didn’t know how to manage them. Not that I’m able to live headache free now,
but we’re getting there.
I’ve been fairly quiet on the blog front
about what we’ve been doing treatment wise, and if you don’t follow my
instagram you won’t be up to date with what’s been happening. I’m not really
sure why that is, I guess in a sense I haven’t wanted to jinx it, and I always receive
rounded eyes of shock when I tell people. The current route for my headaches
has been botox and so far it’s shown some sign of improvement. It’s a little
complex to explain because it’s not treating my chiari, it’s treating
migraines, which I have as well as chiari, but present slightly differently to
the normal type that most people get. Anyways, the good news is, its working!
As for the immunology side of things, there was talk about potentially starting
another immunosuppression, but we’re not going to do that anymore. The reasons
for that are again kind of complex and I wouldn’t be able to explain them as
well as Doctor B does. Long story short (if I can) when I had the hospital stay
and did the IV steroids I should’ve had a better reaction to the medications,
and I didn’t, which indicates some of my symptoms might not be autoimmune
related. But, we just don’t know. So we’re kind of taking a risk by getting me
off all immune related medications (steroids and chemo) and seeing what
This could result in one of two ways;
nothing happens and I continue to improve so we then know it wasn’t autoimmune
related and we do have theories on what it might be, or, I go into a huge flare
and we try and treat it. Before all this happens there is the risk of adrenal insufficiency
as I taper off steroids, a process that I seem to have been doing for what
feels like years, and I think is actually coming up to a year, but I have to be
extra careful with my kidneys because I have Kevin the Kidney Cyst and his
Friends hanging out on mine. Yes. I named the cysts on my kidneys. I figured if
he’s going to be 3.4cm he deserves a name for being an over achiever.
The contrast to how I feel from this time
last year and now is a little shocking. I remember the nights where I was up at
3am, barely sleeping, and somehow making it through 9-hour shifts at work! I
was on 10 times the amount of steroids I am now, at a dose of 50mg a day, and I
didn’t recognise myself in the mirror. Sure I still have my days were I can’t
get out of bed, where I go over a week without washing my hair, or I’m so tired
I can’t be bothered eating but now I’m finally starting to see my cheek bones reappear
and Doctor B has stopped calling me chipmunk, so I’ll take the small victories.
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